Pale Male update:

Went up to 74th and Fifth earlier today (about 1PM) to see the progress. As you can see, it didn't seem like the weather was slowing them down any. Because of the scaffolding, I couldn't actually see cradle, or even see if it was in place, but I did see sparks flying (as in welding sparks) so someone was doing something up there. Then, right on cue, Pale Male swung by for a look.

I hope he likes his new digs. There is a big 'celebratory vigil' planned this evening for 4:30pm, but I won't be able to make it. As always, check in with Jo, she'll be at the celebration tonight (I think?) and will hopefully have a report. Also, she's got a link to the PayPal site where you can make a donation to Lincoln Karim's defense fund. Lincoln, if you remember, runs the Pale Male dot com website and was arrested for "stalking" and "harassing" Paula Zahn and her family. I reported on this in an earlier post here>
Well, everyone must be proud...and happy...and most of all, energized that we could accomplish a miracle. I was in tears of helplessness here in Santa Barbara....thinking this was not a doable deed....getting this board (whom I believe have always wanted that nest gone...from day one) reverse its decision.
I sobbed. My ever-positive husband, when it was in color on the first page of the New York Times had a brighter view....he said...."there is so much support, this will work!"
Thank the Lord...and all of our did.
Thanks for all your incredible support with your website...or blog...I don't really get the difference...but, no all helped!
And, good won out! Those hawks will be back!
I have written letters vouching for Lincoln....he has met all of my 7 grandchildren....and they all love him.....and will send a contribution as well....
Thank you ...
we made a great team! all of us from all over the I was in Santa Barbara.....just emailing away like mad! That was all I could do! Could I have been dancing in a red bird suit, I would have!!!
Bravo to all of us....
Penelope Bianchi
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