Saturday, May 20, 2006

The Da Vinci Code Drinking Game

Ok, with all the bruhaha over the release of the film based on Dan Brown's book the History and Discovery Channels are really beefing up their schedules with lots of programs about every facet of Da Vinci's life, the Vatican, the book, the Bible, the Dead Sea Scrolls, I mean ANYTHING remotely related or that can be tied in to the book or film is being trotted out of the vaults and aired this week. Here's the fun, drinking part. Every time the narrator in one of these shows starts a sentence with "Could it be ... " as in, "could it be that this is the Chalice Jesus drank from at the Last Supper?" or "could it be that Jesus was married and had children?" or "could it be that we're feeding you a load of crap, pure nonsense that we're pretty much making up as we go along?" you drink. Believe me, you'll be drunk in no time.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Is there paid vacation too?

Talk about a tough job interview ...
This poor guy was going for a job interview as a "data supportr cleanser," a back-office-never-see-another-person-geeky-computer-job at the Beeb. He was mistaken for the editor of a tech website, taken out of the reception area, had a mic pinned to his jacket and was interviewed ON THE AIR! Here's the best part: instead of alerting the presenter that she was about to make a contribution to the BBC's blooper reel, the Guy (Guy Goma, who is black, was mistaken for Guy Kewney, the real tech editor, who is white), actually answered the questions posed to him, even though, as Reuters reports that English was not his first language (seemed more like it ran a fairly distant second).

They've invited him back for an actual interview about the job as data cleanser, but maybe they should give this Guy his own show ... Please watch the video.

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