Saturday, March 24, 2007

More on the No Mat situation in London Terrace

Update: I just talked to a neighbor in 430 who said they came "in the middle of the night" and took away all their doormats. In all fairness, they could have come very early in the morning, but still ... go to sleep with a doormat, wake up without one. I know it sounds crazy and petty maybe to be complaining about the lack of doormats, but methinks Rose Associates is just breaking balls. Anyone reading this who has access to a NYC Fire Code, please contact me and let me know if this is indeed a valid part of the code.

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Thursday, March 22, 2007

No mas mats in London Terrace!

What's wrong with this picture? Oh, yeah, that's it, they came around yesterday and threw out all our doormats! We'd gotten a memo a few weeks ago to the effect that it was some sort of a fire code violation and that as of the 15th of March (beware the Ides!) any doormats left in the hallways would be considered abandoned and would be disposed of by maintenance staff. Of course, we didn't think they'd actually do it, everyone sort of thought that it was one of those "enforce it if you need to" rules. No one expected them to toss out all the door mats! Yet, inexplicably, my neighbor's equally flammable and obstructing umbrella stand remained untouched in the hall.

I'm on the case now to find a copy of the NYC Fire Code to see if this is in fact a violation. Till then, wipe your feet in the elevator!

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