Monday, October 08, 2007

More Scoop on the London Terrace "Sidewalk Bridge"

Ok I don't want to turn this into a London Terrace blog (even though there isn't one yet, hmm ...) but the scaffolding thing just keeps getting better.

The LTTA (London Terrace Tenant's Association)put out the October newsletter today claiming that the scaffolding "will remain in place until exterior maintenance (not yet under contract) is completed" (emphasis mine). They add that Rose's estimate is 1-2 years. My friend on the second floor basically has a terrace outside her bedroom window, and despite there being no one doing any work, there still manages to be accumulating garbage on the structure. Here's an interesting tidbit uncovered at Property Shark:
7/19/2007 Failure to maintain exterior bldg wall. bricks fell from around the wi ndow at the 9th flr of exposure # 1. install sidewalk shed. remedy: ma intain exterior bldg wall.
7/10/2007 Failure to maintain exterior bldg.north elevation facade parapet exhib its vertical cracks,separating & shifting in its facade;vertical crack s reopening in corners of its facade;greenery plants growing joint &

So even after scaffolding went up at 450 after bricks fell there, no one ever checked the rest of the building?

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